Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bringing babies to the theater

This topic has came up quite a bit since the recent events in Aurora, Colorado.

In the event of this senseless tragedy, a couple had brought their 3/4 month old and their 4? year old to the Midnight premiere of the movie.

Those of us who dont agree with bringing a baby to the movie theater are getting attacked left and right, people are assuming we are calling these parents bad parents (though I will say the father's actions in the situation are very questionable, but I wont get into that). I don't think it is BAD PARENTING persay, but I would say it is VERY inconsiderate and rude to those around you..not to mention the volume level can hurt a baby's ears. If you want to take your baby to a movie, take him or her to a kids movie, in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, where there won't be a full house. Dont take your baby to a midnight movie permiere of a HIGHLY anticipated movie! If you can't get a sitter, don't go..plain and simple..the movie is NOT going to change any from when it comes to theaters to when it comes out on bluray/dvd/netflix. If you want to take your baby to the movie, find out if your local theater does movie days/times for children, with the volume set a little lower. I dont go to the movies to hear babies crying, unless the crying baby is IN the is about respect to the people around you...people need to stop putting themselves before everyone else...

now, just because I disagree with bringing your kid to a midnight movie, does not mean I think you're a bad parent/Im a perfect parent...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Extended Rear Facing

So, this might stir stuff up but.

Today, I went to Ames to go to the library/take Declan to his grandma's. Diana asked me to pick up Joe's nephews (Jack and Jon) Jon is old enough to be out of a car seat, so i didnt have to worry about him..seeing as I didnt want to turn Declan's seat around and I dont think Jack is over the weight, I just put Jack in Rear Facing. He is like three years old...guess what people, he was NOT uncomfy, did not complain that he couldnt see (I could see him looking around through the mirror that we have up for Declan) .. none of that stuff people use as an excuse to prematurely forward face their kiddos...

Soo you're excuses REALLY dont work for me anymore :)