Thursday, October 13, 2011

Food :)

I haven't posted since I mentioned Declan rolling over. Since then, he has had his four month appointment, which included more shots. He ended up being cranky for about a week afterwards. So, we have decided that at his six month appointment (which is half way between 6 and 7 months) we are going to talk to his pediatrician about delaying his vaccinations. We are also going to leave out the flu shot this year (unsure about later years).

We have started eating oatmeal baby cereal. He loves it. We tried it right when he turned 4 months, and he didn't take to it, because of the fact that he has to wait for me to fill the spoon. Now he has gotten used to that part. He also loves stealing the spoon from me and trying to put it into his mouth. because of the spoon thing, I kind of think he is going to be a very independent eater when he starts using utensils by himself.

^^Declan with his baby spoon :)

Declan hates naps, he is already such a sleep fighter, it takes about twenty minutes to get him to sleep and he only naps for half an hour at most. The easiest time to get him to take a nap is after his morning bottle. He will lay in bed with me and fall back to sleep after playing for a little bit.

That is about all that has been going on

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