Sunday, December 16, 2012

Remembering Newtown.

Okay,  I want to talk about is the shooting that happened friday in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. As Im sure the entire country knows,  a man shot his mother in the face at their home, then went to the school she worked at as an aid and shot 26 more people..20 of who were students..kindergardener students..none of the children were over the age of seven. The man who did this took the cowards way out by shooting himself. People are saying we need to forgive this man for what he did. I honestly believe what he did is unforgiveable...he went to the school with the intent to kill thkse innocent children. Its been reported that he tried to buy firearms of his own (he used his mothers) and was denied. Its been confirmed he went into the school with a bullet proof vest matter the man's situation, he KNEW what he was doing, he HAD it planned out.  I believe in forgiveness if the action wasnt premeditated..I forgive drunk drivers whk crash and kill the passengers in the other vehicles, speeders who crash and kill, etc..because those accidents werent premeditated. Most murders no, I dont believe in forgiveness for those who murder...especially those who murder innocent children. These children wont get to know what it feels like to grow up and experience the joys of it. Their parents and other family members are going to have an empty Christmas...all because of this man.

There are a few things I want to do in memory of the victims. I already bought a sympathy card to send to the school, I plan to get that sent tomorrow. I want to donate to any funds they have open. I want to make a beaded bracelet in memory. And I want to do a balloon release on Christmas morning .. twenty balloons in memory of the twenty children whose lives were cut short.

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