Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year -- Goals/Resolutions

So, 2013 has been gone for nearly two days now, we are approaching the second day of 2014. So much happened in 2013, a lot of good, and a lot of not so good. I got married, we fought (a lot), we had some amazing luck and got to see Macklemore in concert twice because of it (and meet him). We got a free trip to Seattle (result of said luck). But, that is all in the past. I usually dont do resolutions/goals, because lets face it, they're never really anything we stick to. But, here is a list of things I really want to do throughout the year.

1. Find a happy balance between being a mommy, a wife, and simply being me -- I want to continue to do fun things with Declan, but I don't want to continue to be the person who is afraid to ask for a sitter/even just have my husband watch him while I do things for me. I want more date nights, even if it's nothing fancy (because hey, we live pay check to pay check). and I want more time to myself, again doesn't have to be anything fancy.

2. Start a garden -- I have wanted to do this for a few years now. It comes from me wanting to eat more healthy than we have been, but not being able to afford it (because, you know, its so logic that junk food is cheaper than food that is actually good for you) I feel like if I start a small garden this year, it could lead to healthier eating.

3. Read more -- I honestly used to LOVE to read. I still do, but I get sidetracked/distracted by other things. I have the goal to read The Hunger Games Trilogy again before part one of Mockingjay hits theaters. I want to read The Vampire Academy series, Beautiful Creatures, and possibly re-read Harry Potter. I want to read other stuff too of course, but those are my musts for the year.

4. Clean, and Keep the house clean -- This will be a hard one for me. Its not that I don't care or don't like to have an organized clean house. Its more the fact, that when a mess gets way too out of hand, I get anxiety and then simply have to walk away so I don't end up having a panic attack. But, I want to (here soon) just completely clean, organize, and declutter the whole house. This very well could mean selling/donating stuff we no longer use/need. I want a nice clean and organized home.

5. Put more decor/pictures on the walls -- we have lived in this house for a couple of years now (I think..I honestly can't remember when we moved in) and there are only five things up on the walls. I want to add to those, and give it a homely feel

6. Cook more, eat out less -- Eating out, is also expensive, but we do it so often, because its convenient. I really want to cook more meals for us (even if we have to eat separately due to our schedules) Having a garden will hopefully help with this too.

7. Find a full time job -- Okay, I can't really control if I get hired or not. I love where I work now, and the people I work with. but, I simply need to get a full time be able to afford life, it needs to happen.

8. 52 Week Money Challenge -- For those who don't know, its the money challenge where you start off the first week by putting a dollar aside (in a jar/piggy bank), the second week two dollars, the third three..and so on and so forth until you hit week fifty-two, where you put fifty-two dollars in. The total amount is $1, 378.00. I don't know if we would use that money right away after saving it, or do the challenge for a few years. I think it would be a great way to save up to move, which is something I want to do. as I don't want to live in Boone, or even really Iowa for the rest of my life (nor does my husband)

9. Enter contests/sweepstakes -- Something I started doing last year, (resulted in the two Macklemore concerts, trip to Seattle, Macklemore meet and greet, and seeing Wicked on Halloween) and I really plan on continuing this year. I know I wont always win, but if there is something that I want, or that Joe wants even and there is a contest for it, I will enter it. because, winning isn't even a possibility if I don't enter.

10. Be online less -- I seriously spend way too much time online, which takes away from time that would better be spent doing things that I have on this list. So, I am going to try to not be online so often. It will be hard, but I I want to try to keep it down to a maximum of two hours a day. yes, there will probably be days I go over two hours, but I feel that is a good time frame

So, those are my goals/resolutions. Will they all happen? Most likely not, but its nice to have goals to keep your life moving forward. I hope this year has a lot of ups, and it most certainly will have its down, because hey no one has a perfect life.

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