Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Accident. Not A Mistake.

The other day, I got into an argument with someone I don't even know except for on Facebook. She has major issues keeping a roommate in College and posted a status saying she needed a place of her own. Here are the comments (as close as I remember them, as she has me blocked *on both of my accounts* now)

Me: If you can't manage to keep a roommate for a few months in college, how do you expect to live with your husband for the rest of your life when the time comes?

Girl: I'm not talking about college right now, so don't make assumptions. and I maybe I don't want to get married..I don't want kids, I HATE KIDS! and I think Im too unique to ever get married..

Me: LMAO, thats a tad extreme. I didn't ever think I wanted children until it happened, now Im ready for more already, but can't do it financially.

Girl: Well, I'm not going to judge you for a mistake you made..

Declan was NOT planned by any means, but he definately was NOT a mistake either. Joe has stuck by me/us every step of the way, and we have quite the great little family going now. This girl and I have been going back and forth for quite sometime. She gets mad way easily (easier than I do) and is just a bitch and a half. I don't try to be mean, but this girl is just..ugh, Im really starting to think its her roommates leaving her and not her leaving them, because of how she acts online..Im guessing she is just as bad off.


Her: I'm glad your fiance has been with you every step of the way. So long as you can support him and my tax dollars don't have to.

umm, yeah, just because I have my son on medicaid, doesnt give you the right to judge. You dont know me or my story...

words cannot describe how much i dislike this girl..

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