Sunday, December 16, 2012

Remembering Newtown.

Okay,  I want to talk about is the shooting that happened friday in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. As Im sure the entire country knows,  a man shot his mother in the face at their home, then went to the school she worked at as an aid and shot 26 more people..20 of who were students..kindergardener students..none of the children were over the age of seven. The man who did this took the cowards way out by shooting himself. People are saying we need to forgive this man for what he did. I honestly believe what he did is unforgiveable...he went to the school with the intent to kill thkse innocent children. Its been reported that he tried to buy firearms of his own (he used his mothers) and was denied. Its been confirmed he went into the school with a bullet proof vest matter the man's situation, he KNEW what he was doing, he HAD it planned out.  I believe in forgiveness if the action wasnt premeditated..I forgive drunk drivers whk crash and kill the passengers in the other vehicles, speeders who crash and kill, etc..because those accidents werent premeditated. Most murders no, I dont believe in forgiveness for those who murder...especially those who murder innocent children. These children wont get to know what it feels like to grow up and experience the joys of it. Their parents and other family members are going to have an empty Christmas...all because of this man.

There are a few things I want to do in memory of the victims. I already bought a sympathy card to send to the school, I plan to get that sent tomorrow. I want to donate to any funds they have open. I want to make a beaded bracelet in memory. And I want to do a balloon release on Christmas morning .. twenty balloons in memory of the twenty children whose lives were cut short.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

'That' is NOT a 'Thing'! He is a living breathing human being with a name!

Yesterday (Monday the 13th) My fiance and I went see the President at a park in our town, we also took our 15 month old son (Declan). We were standing there, in the crowd, and Declan was a bit of a fussy was hot and he was hungry, we hadnt gotten his snacks out yet because we were still trying to find a place to stand. Anyways, I was trying to get him to calm down a bit, and this older lady (in her late 50's at least, probably mid to late 60s, even 70s honestly) looks over and says in the rudest tone I have ever heard in my life "Couldn't you have left THAT at home?" I turned around and snapped "wow, rude much?!" and she said "yeah, well those 'things' need to be kept at home for these events" ... I was pissed off so much..this event was FREE, and there were so many people there that it was loud all over..and they had enough speakers set up that you could hear the introductory speakers just well as Obama. ..not to mention the fact that this happened before anything had EVEN started. I feel I handled it well, but I also feel like I should have said more.. No one should be so rude that they call a little one a 'That' or a 'thing' .. they are living breathing human beings with a name..and apparently unlike this lady, feelings.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bringing babies to the theater

This topic has came up quite a bit since the recent events in Aurora, Colorado.

In the event of this senseless tragedy, a couple had brought their 3/4 month old and their 4? year old to the Midnight premiere of the movie.

Those of us who dont agree with bringing a baby to the movie theater are getting attacked left and right, people are assuming we are calling these parents bad parents (though I will say the father's actions in the situation are very questionable, but I wont get into that). I don't think it is BAD PARENTING persay, but I would say it is VERY inconsiderate and rude to those around you..not to mention the volume level can hurt a baby's ears. If you want to take your baby to a movie, take him or her to a kids movie, in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, where there won't be a full house. Dont take your baby to a midnight movie permiere of a HIGHLY anticipated movie! If you can't get a sitter, don't go..plain and simple..the movie is NOT going to change any from when it comes to theaters to when it comes out on bluray/dvd/netflix. If you want to take your baby to the movie, find out if your local theater does movie days/times for children, with the volume set a little lower. I dont go to the movies to hear babies crying, unless the crying baby is IN the is about respect to the people around you...people need to stop putting themselves before everyone else...

now, just because I disagree with bringing your kid to a midnight movie, does not mean I think you're a bad parent/Im a perfect parent...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Extended Rear Facing

So, this might stir stuff up but.

Today, I went to Ames to go to the library/take Declan to his grandma's. Diana asked me to pick up Joe's nephews (Jack and Jon) Jon is old enough to be out of a car seat, so i didnt have to worry about him..seeing as I didnt want to turn Declan's seat around and I dont think Jack is over the weight, I just put Jack in Rear Facing. He is like three years old...guess what people, he was NOT uncomfy, did not complain that he couldnt see (I could see him looking around through the mirror that we have up for Declan) .. none of that stuff people use as an excuse to prematurely forward face their kiddos...

Soo you're excuses REALLY dont work for me anymore :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Crawling and Climbing and 69 days..oh my?

So it is official, Declan is a crawling and climbing master. He can crawl all over the place and climbs on everything. He has also started cruising. he can go from one couch to the other at my mom's house, from the love seat to the rocking chair at my house.

Climbing of course means more falls and tumbles, luckily he has figured out how to fall on his bottom, he had been falling on his head for the longest time.

I give him a month before he takes off walking, oh, this scares and excites me at the same time.

Speaking of climbing, he just pulled himself up in the pack-n-play at my mom's house. Apparently the kiddo does not want to take a nap, even though he should..but no, he is more interested in climbing and going into the 'no-no zones'

Only 69 Days until he turns a year old. this momma needs to get planning!!

He also likes scurrying off after bath time, before I get a diaper on him, and climbing the counter.