Monday, December 5, 2011

6 Month Appointment

Weight: 18 Pounds 6.5 Ounces
Length: 26.5 inches

Got all vaccinations, except flu..

Jill (his doctor) thinks he will at least be cruising by his nine month appointment

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Declan officially has his first tooth. It is still very tiny, you can barely see it when he smiles. I seriously didnt think it took this long for them to grow. We have tried Sweet Patatos, I think he likes them :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Food :)

I haven't posted since I mentioned Declan rolling over. Since then, he has had his four month appointment, which included more shots. He ended up being cranky for about a week afterwards. So, we have decided that at his six month appointment (which is half way between 6 and 7 months) we are going to talk to his pediatrician about delaying his vaccinations. We are also going to leave out the flu shot this year (unsure about later years).

We have started eating oatmeal baby cereal. He loves it. We tried it right when he turned 4 months, and he didn't take to it, because of the fact that he has to wait for me to fill the spoon. Now he has gotten used to that part. He also loves stealing the spoon from me and trying to put it into his mouth. because of the spoon thing, I kind of think he is going to be a very independent eater when he starts using utensils by himself.

^^Declan with his baby spoon :)

Declan hates naps, he is already such a sleep fighter, it takes about twenty minutes to get him to sleep and he only naps for half an hour at most. The easiest time to get him to take a nap is after his morning bottle. He will lay in bed with me and fall back to sleep after playing for a little bit.

That is about all that has been going on

Friday, September 16, 2011


Declan has officially figured out how to roll from his back to his tummy..he has been rolling from tummy to back quite a while...More later :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Happy Accident. Not A Mistake.

The other day, I got into an argument with someone I don't even know except for on Facebook. She has major issues keeping a roommate in College and posted a status saying she needed a place of her own. Here are the comments (as close as I remember them, as she has me blocked *on both of my accounts* now)

Me: If you can't manage to keep a roommate for a few months in college, how do you expect to live with your husband for the rest of your life when the time comes?

Girl: I'm not talking about college right now, so don't make assumptions. and I maybe I don't want to get married..I don't want kids, I HATE KIDS! and I think Im too unique to ever get married..

Me: LMAO, thats a tad extreme. I didn't ever think I wanted children until it happened, now Im ready for more already, but can't do it financially.

Girl: Well, I'm not going to judge you for a mistake you made..

Declan was NOT planned by any means, but he definately was NOT a mistake either. Joe has stuck by me/us every step of the way, and we have quite the great little family going now. This girl and I have been going back and forth for quite sometime. She gets mad way easily (easier than I do) and is just a bitch and a half. I don't try to be mean, but this girl is just..ugh, Im really starting to think its her roommates leaving her and not her leaving them, because of how she acts online..Im guessing she is just as bad off.


Her: I'm glad your fiance has been with you every step of the way. So long as you can support him and my tax dollars don't have to.

umm, yeah, just because I have my son on medicaid, doesnt give you the right to judge. You dont know me or my story...

words cannot describe how much i dislike this girl..

Friday, September 9, 2011

5 Perks. 5 Flaws.

As you get older, you begin to realize that no one is perfect, because everyone has their own perspectives of perfect. Everyone wants to be a certain size, have their hair a certain way, and there will always be that one outfit, pair of shoes or purse that we cannot afford. I think it is time that we look at the positives of ourselves (not just looks) and also be proud of the flaws, because everything that we like and don't like about ourselves makes us who we are. Here are 5 things I like about myself, and 5 things I don't like

Five Perks
1. I am a GREAT mom
(I may not be your definition of perfect..or even mine, but I am doing a damn good job, especially for someone who was unsure if she wanted any children. Are there things I regret? Of course, but there is nothing I can do about those things at this time. I love my son more than anything, and I think it shows)
2. I am very family oriented
(Family is VERY important to me, without them..I wouldn't be here *As in, if my mom and dad hadn't have met, I wouldn't have been born.* I love spending time with them all.)
3. I believe in the power to change the world for the better
(A little out there, I know..)
4. I enjoy the little things in life
(I honestly do not need a lot. just a simple life with my fiance and son, and family all I really need)
5. I love to make people happy
(especially kids, which is why I would love to be a pediatric nurse)

Five Flaws

1. I tend to get mad easily
(I take things way too seriously at times, and it can drive me crazy)
2. I am very indecisive
(One of the reasons why I haven't gone back to school)
3. I am HORRIBLE at Math
4. I have controlling tendencies
(There are times where I have to run the show...and its usually not when I really should be)
5. I am very gullible
(like, to the point that if you told me I was going to die tomorrow, I just might believe you..)

Pregnancy/Birth Story

I found out that I was pregnant about five days before I turned 21. I had my suspicions that I was, but was denying it to myself as well as everyone else. I finally decided to take a test, because I didn't want to drink anything if I was...sure enough both tests came back positive. Besides my fiance, my best friend and my mom were the first to know. I was still not comfortable with telling people, so only a few people knew by the time my birthday rolled around. I had my first appointment in November, and by December everyone knew that I was pregnant. Hy-Vee (Where I work) switched me from courtesy to checker so I wouldnt have to lift heavy items. I found out that we were having a boy in January, and also discovered the spot on his liver. We ended up having to see a specialist because of the spot. My due date was the 18th, and my induction date was the week after. I ended up having him the 17th at 5:54 am. I was supposed to go to work that day, I didnt see the point of getting off a week or two before my due date and having nothing to do so I worked until then.

Here is my birth story..At about 2 am on May 17th, I woke up feeling like I had to pee so I got up to go to the restroom and a gush of water came out. My reaction ended up being 'Really Declan, you made me pee my pants?' but then it just kept I realized what it was and told my mom. By the time we got to the van I was have contractions pretty close together, so we basically had to speed to Ames (where the hospital I go to is..I will not go to the one in the town I live in). Joe (my fiance) met us at the hospital, because he was living in Ames at the time. We probably arrived there around 2:30 ish. I tried to go without an epidural, but could not handle the pain so i cave in and got it. Let me tell you, epidurals do NOT always slow down labor. I don't remember a lot after getting the epidural..I do know I didnt sleep, so this part is just gonna be random. The nurse lost his heart beat two times. the first time, she was able to find it..the second time she couldn't so she freaked out and called some other nurses..I had to wear an oxygen mask to get it back up, and then they checked me and he was all the way down and crowning..(this was probably 4 or 4:30) so they called the doctor to come in. When the doctor got there, he said 'Gee, when they called to say she was in labor, I thought Id be able to go back to bed for awhile'. So then the fun part of pushing began..I ended up getting an episotomy, and he still wasnt coming out, so they had to use the vacum. Turns out, he had his arm up by his head, so it was making it hard for him to come out. (every time we had an ultrasound he had that arm up there, and he sleeps like that to this day). He was born at 5:54 am  on May 17th..he weighed 6 lbs 13 oz and was 21 inches long.

All of my doctors were great throughout my pregnancy, labor and hospital stay.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Deleted/Starting new

So, I have decided to delete all of my old blog posts and start new. Im planning on using this as a mommyhood blog, so watch out for daily posts about my baby Declan and my life as a mommy. <3. I may put up a new play list every now and then..